The door slammed soundly behind her as Lizzy left the house, on her way out for the evening. Girls night out. Man, did she need it, too. The kids were fed. Brian had left work early, after much complaint. She fished her keys out of her purse and slid into the smooth leather seat of her SUV. The house held her gaze for a moment. Such a pretty house, she thought, her family nestled in it’s confines. And it was. A pretty house. Sloping green lawn met a paved walkway that surrounded well organized planting beds. Thanks to the lawn service. Her eyes paused on the swing set that peeked out from the backyard. It looked lonely, sitting there all alone, no one paying it much mind anymore, now that the kids were older. Letting out a sigh, she eased the SUV out of the driveway, into the quiet street, that was a part of her quiet neighborhood, her pretty neighborhood. Putting her foot on the gas a little too firmly, rubber met pavement as the vehicle surged forward a bit too quickly, causing a neighbor to pause and wave hesitantly as Lizzy drove by, not paying any notice.
She was heading into the city, to meet her best friend for a night out. Sylvia had called her earlier in the week, pleading with her to go. Said she had tickets to a concert, and well, besides, Lizzy needed to get out for a night. Some time for herself, Sylvia had said. Not that Sylvia was wrong. Lizzy didn’t take a lot of time for herself these days. Between being a freelance writer, dealing with all the kid activities and a husband that didn’t get home until 8 every night, she was spread pretty thin. Knowing it would be like pulling teeth to get Brian home so he could do carpool duty for Emma’s soccer practice and pick David up from jazz band, she had at first turned down her friend. But Sylvia didn’t give up, and finally Lizzy agreed that a night out would do her some good. Not occurring to her until the end of the conversation, Lizzy asked who they were going to see.
Bon Jovi, Sylvia has reported enthusiastically. They were in town for only one night. It was a Greatest Hits tour, of sorts. And did Lizzy remember how much she used to love their music? Well, sure, she did. Years ago. Before kids, before a house, before.....before she lost herself to what was now her life. Agreeing it would be fun to see them again after, what was it? Fifteen years. Sylvia had dropped off the latest new album and Greatest Hits CDs so Lizzy could bring herself up to speed. Fiddling in the CD holder, she found one of the CDs and popped it in, might as well put herself in the right mindset. The Greatest Hits. Ahhh, yes, she remembered those songs. Maybe it would be a fun night, just good friends and good music. She was meeting Sylvia and a couple others at a bar across from the Boston Garden before the show.
She fumbled for her sunglasses, perching them on her slightly upturned nose, and turned the volume up, pushing the pedal to the floor as she urged the large vehicle in to the oncoming traffic. Solar glare putting a bit of a damper on her forward motion, she slowed with the surrounding cars. Once on the highway the sun was to her back as she headed into the city. The trip was easy and uneventful, but reminded Lizzy how much she used to enjoy driving into the city with Brian for an evening out when the kids were younger. These days life was just too hectic to find time for such luxuries. Too bad, since now the kids were old enough to stay home alone, she thought. But then it had been at least 5 years since they had bothered trying to carve out time to spend together, alone. The sad part, Lizzy thought, is that she didn’t really care. It seemed more of a hassle than anything else. Brian just worked too much, often at the office on more Saturdays than not.
Ah well, she thought, pushing those thoughts aside. The music blaring from the car speakers put her mind in a more relaxed state, as she looked forward to an evening away from everything. She was always the one responsible for everything around the house, the kids, the lawn, besides working for herself, often up late writing articles long after the kids had gone to bed. During their younger years, Lizzy had stayed home with the kids, wanting someone to be there with them after school, someone to help them with their homework. Brian had agreed, with his stressful job and long commute, it was a good idea for her to stay home until they were older. It had been tough the first few years, but they did ok. Eventually Lizzy got the itch to work again. After making a call to an old work acquaintance, she was put in touch with a local magazine that was looking for freelance writers to submit articles. It had been a small job to start, but quickly expanded as more papers and publications read her work. Loving the stimulating work, Lizzy had taken on more than she could chew at first. But as she got used to the workload and the kids got used to her having other priorities, they eased into a sort of workable schedule. The years went by, kids grew, became busier in their own activities, Brian got promoted to VP, and took on even more hours and responsibility. Lizzy continued to expand her writing audience by working with many publications, even out of state. Somewhere along the way, they forgot to stop and smell the roses, their life taking on a life of it’s own. Nowadays it felt like Brian was married to his career, while Lizzy juggled hers...and everything else. At first she had raised some of her concerns with Brian. But he just poo-pooed them, saying this is what life is about. Working, climbing the ladder, buying a bigger house, being more successful. He said he was happy, why wasn’t she? Didn’t she have everything she wanted, as he gestured around the expansive house. Eventually she convinced herself that yes, this is what everyone dreamed of. Right?
Even sex had taken a back burner in their marriage. Once or twice a month they found themselves in the same room alone, and awake enough, to actually accomplish the deed. It had been a very long time since anyone had really complimented Lizzy in any way, and she couldn’t remember the last time Brian had. Getting dressed for the evening out had been more of a pain then anything else. Not really caring what she wore, she had put on a pair of dark wash boot cut jeans, red sandals and a red, wrap style tank top, topped by a loose black cardigan. Deciding against her usual pony tail she had blown her chestnut waves out long, letting the tresses fall down her back and shoulders. Feeling satisfied with the results, despite the lack of effort, she had went downstairs to coordinate with Brian.
Emma, in her larger than life 13 year old way, had let out a low whistle as her mom had entered the kitchen. “Wow! Mom, you look smokin’!”
Lizzy gave her disapproving glance at the term “smokin’” but thought better of reprimanding her, and kissed her on the top of the head instead, “Thanks, sweetie.”
Brian was at the counter sifting through the mail, jacket still on from work. He glanced at her briefly, not taking any more notice of her than he had the cat, who stood patiently at his dish, hoping someone might realize it was time for noms.
“Hey,” He said.
“Hey.” She replied.
He sifted a second more before saying, “What time are you leaving? What do I have to do?” not raising his eyes from the pile of paper.
“Leaving in about 10. The kids had an early dinner. Pick up Sara on the way to Emma’s practice, drop her off after, then stop at the school to pick up David. Ryan gave him a ride to practice.” She informed him.
He nodded, finally turning around to face his wife. “I guess I can handle that.” His gaze finally meeting hers.
“Ok.” she said, not totally convinced due to his lack of affirmation. “I will feed the cat now, then I am going.”
He replied with a nod, leaving to hang up his jacket and put his briefcase on the desk on the opposite wall. He passed her again as he made his way to the fridge, as she found the cat food in the pantry.
He seemed to take notice of her for a second, looking at her and said, “Hey, have fun tonight.”
“I will,” she replied with a slight smile, then filled the cat bowl. “Sara, can you get Fred some fresh water, please? I have to get moving.”
Sara responded by getting up and turning on the faucet, “Sure, Mom.”
Giving her daughter another peck, she grabbed the small red purse off the counter, and made her way to the front door. “I will be home late, so don’t wait up.”
“Have fun, Mom! So jealous you get to go to a concert!” Sara said, excitedly.
“Drive carefully.” Brian responded, not bothering to look her way as his eyes scoured the fridge.
Lizzy nodded at the back of his head, and fled out the front door, a sense of escape following her.
Finally seeing the cityscape, she sped into Boston, making her way along the narrow streets, finally coming to a stop in the parking garage next to the lounge she was meeting the others at for dinner before the show. She entered the lounge, quickly spotting Sylvia and the other girls, already seated at a booth.
Sylvia stood as she met her, giving her a big hug, “YAY! I am so glad you made it. We are going to have so much FUN!”
Lizzy greeted her dear friend with a quick kiss on the check, saying, as she sat in the booth, “I believe you may be right!”
Greeting Janice and Elise, she breathlessly gave her order for a white wine to the waitress. Finally catching her breath, she joined in the excited chatter of her friends.
“So tell me, where are we all sitting? I don’t even have a clue about any of this anymore.” She asked, with a slight laugh.
Sylvia looked at her with a big smile, reached into her purse and pulled out two tickets, flashing them in front of Lizzy’s eyes as she nodded.
Lizzy tried to follow the tickets as she read the type, Section 2, Row 1. Her eyes widened a bit, as she nodded. “Huh, well those must be pretty good, huh?”
Sylvia sputtered as she took a drink, almost choking, “Pretty good? Lizzy, honey, these FRONT ROW!”
Lizzy nodded, studying the now still tickets, “Uh huh, well, wonderful. Yes, those are good, then, huh?” She nodded to the other girls.
Janice just shook her head, “Liz, you need to get out more, you really do.”
Lizzy, not disagreeing with her, said, “You could be right.” As she took a big long sip of her wine, feeling it go straight to her head. She lifted her glass to the table and said, “Cheers! To girls’ night out!”
Clinking their glasses together, the others agreed, enthusiastically downing their drinks.
After eating and one more drink, they headed across the street to the venue. Janice and Elise went their separate way, since they were sitting in the first level.
Totally relaxed and excited for the night by this point, Lizzy turned to Sylvia and asked, “So how did you manage to snag those tickets? I mean, I know you go a lot, but those must have cost a fortune.”
Sylvia just shrugged, “Nah, work perk. Someone at work knows someone that works in the higher ups at the Garden. My boss came in last week, saying she had a surprise for me. She knows what a nut I am, and tossed these on my desk.”
“Nice!” Lizzy answered. “Nice boss.”
Sylvia nodded in agreement as they made their way to the entrance of the floor. Lizzy looked around the arena, seeing others watch them as they walked all the way to the front.
“This is really kinda cool! I feel so special.” She told Sylvia, who laughed and nodded in reply.
“Yeah, it is fun!” Turning to her friend, Sylvia whispered, “And maybe you will even have a “moment.”
Lizzy gave her a confused look, “A “moment? A moment of what?”
Sylvia shook her head, “Jon, silly! He might come over, he might hold your hand, look at you, or OMG, sing to you! You never know, and being front row ups those odds!”
Lizzy laughed, “And how old are we?” enjoying her friend’s gaiety.
Sylvia gave her an all knowing look, “You will see, just wait.” Knowing full well that if Jon held her friend’s gaze for a mere second, that time would stand still for her, too.
Lizzy smiled to herself, thinking her friend was just a tad off her rocker. She loved Sylvia like a sister, had known her almost as long as a sister, but sometimes wondered how her friend floated through life on not much more than a song and a prayer. She never seemed to get stressed, seemed to take everything with a grain of salt. Letting out a sigh, Lizzy thought, maybe she has it right and I don’t have a clue. What the hell, I am going to just let go and have fun, dive right in!
Lizzy had been as nuts as Sylvia, about the band, years ago. But life really had gotten in the way. All through high school they had gone to the shows, followed the band as far as parents’ reins would let them. Sylvia had married young, briefly, but divorced shortly after her baby was stillborn. It had taken a huge toll on Sylvia, who adopted an I don’t care attitude about life. She dated a lot, but never let herself get serious with anyone. Lizzy thought, to avoid feeling any kind of pain again. Yet who was she to talk even if she was married. What did that mean? A stale partnership that yielded nothing in the way of fulfillment. Pushing the thoughts aside, she promised herself she would have a wonderful evening.
They took their seats and even Lizzy had to admit it was pretty cool to be up front. The music started to pulsate, a tune she recognized from the Circle album. The lights turned down, the arena stood in one solid motion and let out a collective scream. Lizzy’s heart started to beat faster as she let herself get carried away with the excitement of the audience. She had not seen the band in concert for well over 15 years. Every once in a while she would catch a glimpse of Jon or Richie on TV or in a magazine. But she had no idea what any of them looked like now, or how successful they still were, except for the bit of news her friend would share with her once in a great while. Sylvia went to at least ten shows every tour, Lizzy knew that. It was her THING. Everyone had a thing, she thought, and that was Sylvia’s. Hers was writing. She liked music, always had. But had lost touch with what was popular, who was the leading act of the year. The giant screen that covered the stage lifted up, revealing the feet, then faces, of the band. All except Jon. Clapping to the beat, Lizzy waited with the adopted anticipation of the whole arena. As the rest of the band members jammed away, slowly emerging from the stairwell in the middle of the stage, was Jon, holding a black guitar, strumming away with a huge smile on his face as he greeted the fans of Boston. He wore a black leather vest, and very snug pair of blue jeans. Lizzy felt herself get carried away with the excitement, and had to admit he looked smokin’ despite the fact he must be close to 50 by now. As a matter of fact, she thought, he hardly looked like he had aged at all, his tight physique hinting at a much younger man. Sylvia nudged Lizzy with her elbow, giving her a knowing look. Lizzy responded with a huge smile and continued bopping to the beat of the music.
Feeling warm after a bit, Lizzy took off her wrap, revealing toned arms in her fitted tank. The band rolled forward from one song right into another like a powerful freight train. Jon finally put his guitar down during the 3rd song, and started prowling around the stage like a hungry panther, stopping to check out his prey of the moment. Sylvia hit her friends arm overly enthusiastically as Jon came over to their side of the stage. Lizzy watched him, clapping along and waving her arms along with the rest of the arena. Jon stopped in front of them, pausing on a long note, then stepped down to the small ledge just off the edge of the stage. He leaned over singing to the fans, slapping hands as he worked his way toward them. He stopped in front of Sylvia, flashing his bright smile at her, causing her to swoon. He moved on down the line stopping in front of Lizzy singing and grabbing hands, his eyes meeting hers for a quick second, moved on, then looked back at her, locking his blue gaze with her brown. He held her gaze for longer than he should, stopping to sing the words to her as his eyes seemed to probe her very being. She was powerless to look away, all sound disappearing into the background. He seemed to realize he needed to move on, so he did, seemingly reluctantly. The gaze broken, she realized she was holding her breath. She let out a long sigh as she realized Sylvia was hitting her arm again. She looked at her, seeing Sylvia mouth “OMG” at her over and over. Slowly bringing herself back, unsure of what had just transpired, she tried to regain her senses. She tried to get back into the song, but felt shaken. The next song brought Richie to the front to sing a song. Lizzy sat for a moment and took a few sips of water. Feeling almost normal she stood back up and danced along with the crowd. Richie’s song was over and Jon appeared on the catwalk that encircled the pit. She watched from afar as he engaged the rest of the arena in his slow, acoustic seduction, hands reaching for him, adoring eyes locked on him.
The rest of the band joined him for a couple of songs, then resumed their places on stage. Jon started another song on the circle, then proceeded to sprint, guitar in hand, back to the main stage. He moved like he owned the stage. Lizzy couldn’t help but watch his every move as he moved with the ease of a man 20 years his junior. The talent of the now seasoned band was not lost on Lizzy as she made a mental note to hit the music store first thing in the morning. It was time she caught up, she thought. Jon launched into a moving version of Bed of Roses, a song Lizzy recognized right away. He walked the edge of the stage, singing to the fans in the pit. He caught her eye again, giving her a wink as he continued on. She felt herself go numb again, but quickly recovered. As the tempo slowed down, he made his way back toward the mic stand, taking a detour to the ledge, and sat down on the edge, right in front of Lizzy. Both hands on the mic, he sang to the group in front of him, again, his gaze locking with hers as he sang the words, directly to her. Lizzy, unable to look away, felt her hands get all clammy. His hand reached toward hers as she subconsciously raised hers, feeling his warm fingers wrap around hers. He sang to her for what seemed like forever. As if some unknown force told him it was time, he tore himself away, letting her hand fall away gently as he rose and took his place back at center stage.
Lizzy could only look at the floor and think to herself, what in the hell just happened there?
The rest of the show progressed on with Jon feeling in a very playful mood, drawing in the audience with his flirtatious ways. He didn’t single out Lizzy again that evening, but held her gaze repeatedly during the show. His attention to her was not lost on her friend, who repeatedly hit her arm, and mouthed “OMG” more times than Lizzy could count. She enjoyed the rest of the show, but something had transpired that night, shaking Lizzy to her very core. After two encores, and three solid hours of music, the lights finally went up in the arena.
Sylvia turned to her, “See???? I told you! Do you get it now? Do you see what I was saying? He just DOES things to me. I bet you get it now, don’t you??”
Lizzy smiled affectionately at her overly excited friend, “Yeah, Sylvie!” Not so sure she GOT it. Surely it was his act, that was all. He is very good at what he does, she thought to herself. Drawing in the fans, flirting with them, hooking them. Yeah, she got it. But being the logical mind she was, she was quick to realize it was all a part of the act. He seemed to have an uncanny ability to pick out someone in the audience who needed hooking, as he had with Lizzy. Perhaps he sensed she was a newbie to the game. She was still planning that early a.m. trip to the music store, even she admitted he was good at what he did. But for now, home, and back to real life. After the music store trip, she had a late morning interview for a series of stories she was writing for the Globe.
Chapter 2